Wings of Wonder to release Bald Eagle
What better way to celebrate the birth of our nation than to witness its symbol flying free? It’s everything you feel when you think about our country. The United States chose the Bald Eagle as its representative: strong, majestic, a fierce competitor. On Saturday, July 6 at 10 a.m., at Wings of Wonder, you’ll have the opportunity to get up close and personal with our nation’s symbol, on its birthday weekend, to witness its freedom. Cue the song “God Bless America” and mark your calendars to attend this spectacular event at Eagle’s Meadow, located seven miles east of Empire on the south side of M-72.
Bring your Kleenex — everyone always sheds a tear witnessing this rare occasion and load up your pocket change. (As a patriotic American, consider donating to Wings of Wonder to help support their efforts to save Bald Eagles and other raptors). Watch this rehabilitated Bald Eagle soar to freedom. Bring your kids and houseguests but leave the dog at home.