League of Women Voters promotes the vote

From staff reports

On Wednesday April 4, the League of Women Voters Leelanau County will host a public forum at noon at the Leelanau County Government Center entitled “Promote the Vote”—a project that secures voting rights by putting them into the State Constitution. The presenter, Sharon Dolente of the ACLU will explain Promote the Vote’s proposed amendment to Michigan’s Constitution—a common sense approach to safeguard our elections, put voters first, and remove barriers for working families.

Promote the Vote is a collaborative effort that includes the League of Women Voters of Michigan, the ACLU of Michigan, the NAACP, the Michigan League for Public Policy, and a number of other individuals and organizations that is constantly growing. For the full list of its partners and endorsements, visit wwwPromotetheVoteMI.com

All forums are open to the public. Many bring a sack lunch. A LWVLC business meeting will follow the forum. For more information on the LWVLC call 231-271-0072, visit LWVLeelanau.org or follow LWVLC on Facebook at League of Women Voters Leelanau County.