Running Bear Run turns 10

Painting by Hank Feeley

From staff reports

This is the 10th birthday for the Glen Arbor Women’s Club “Running Bear 5K Run/Walk & 1/2 Mile Kids’ Run.” Join the celebration on Tuesday, July 26, at 9 a.m. in front of Cherry Republic on Lake St. in Glen Arbor. This is a favorite event for both local residents and visitors. The 5K is open to everyone. You can run or walk so young runners and our seniors can both take part. The Women’s Club has made it a family affair with a 1/2 Mile Kids’ Run for the little ones. The children get to run with the Bear and take home a ribbon along with coupons for an ice cream cone from Riverfront Ice Cream and a game of miniature golf provided by Dale’s Putt Putt. Bring the whole family and enjoy a great morning.

The main focus of this event is to earn money for scholarships for local high school seniors. This year the Women’s Club gave out six scholarships each for $2,000. They were awarded to Rowan James Brady, Anne Marie Dunklow, Chris Lodge, Garrett Schaub, Seneca Stairs and Jolene Therrien. The Women’s Club is extremely proud to have given out over $100,000 in scholarship money during these 10 years.

Arrive at 8:40 a.m. for a warm-up for runners and walkers by Lorie Lenhard, from Lorie’s Pilates located in the Village Sampler. Local entertainer Pat Niemisto from the group New Third Coast and Cherry Republic’s own Lexi Galla will start the run with the national anthem. The mascot, Running Bear, will be on hand to cheer on all the runners and charm the children. He loves his photo shots.

The 5K begins at 9 a.m. and the Kids’ Run will follow at 9:05. The run will leave from the corner of Lake and State Streets. After the run, join the celebration. The first and second-place winners of 10 age categories as well as the male and female over-all best winners will be announced. They will receive metals and prizes from Cherry Republic and Crystal River Outfitters and the Cyclery. The Women’s Club will have great food and a raffle drawing for more than 50 prizes for everyone entered in the 5K. You must be present to win.

Come out and wish Running Bear a happy tenth birthday! The cost is $15 for the 5K Run/Walk ($18, the day of the run) and $5 for the Kids’ Run. Register online at, register early on Monday, July 25 at the Glen Arbor Town Hall from 10-4, or Tuesday morning from 7:30-8:45 a.m. before the start of the run. Early registered runners can also pick up their bibs at the Town Hall on Monday. T-shirts will be available for purchase there as well.

Come out and join the fun. We know you can run faster than the bear!