Glen Arbor Women’s Club announces 2015 scholarship winners

From staff reports

The Glen Arbor Women’s Club is pleased to award scholarships to five outstanding young women graduating from Glen Lake High School. The scholarships were awarded on the basis of academics, community involvement, and overall achievement. The scholarships were presented by Carol Becker, representing the Women’s Club, at the Senior Awards Ceremony at Glen Lake High School on May 21.

The Glen Arbor Women’s Club Scholarship Committee selected Skylar Gleason, Kaitlin Grigg, Eleanor Hill, Siaira Milroy and Julie Russel. These college bound students will each receive a $2,000 Memorial Scholarship from the Glen Arbor Women’s Club. Gleason will attend the University of Michigan in their Honors Program. Grigg will attend Aquinas to study biology. Hill is off to Albion College to double major in Music and Business. Milroy will study international relations at Michigan State. Russel will attend the University of Oklahoma to study dance and biology. What a diverse group of young women, attending five different colleges with five different majors. Congratulations to each of you.

The Glen Arbor Women’s Club has existed for 65 years and is involved in various philanthropic activities in the community each year. Their major fundraiser is the “Running Bear 5K Run/Walk & 1/2 Mile Kids’ Run.” The Run will be held this year on Tuesday, July 28, in front of Cherry Republic in Glen Arbor. Registration starts at 7:30 a.m. and the 5k Run/Walk begins at 9 with the Children’s Race starting at 9:05. Following the race, a celebration for the participants will include refreshments and the presentation of prizes and awards. Additional information can be obtained at or call 231-334-7363.

The Glen Arbor Women’s Club is proud to honor these exceptional young women by presenting them with the GAWC 2015 Memorial Scholarship. We wish them all the best in their college experience.