Leelanau League of Women Voters examine effect of money on elections
The Voter Services Committee of the League of Women Voters Leelanau County will hold a forum entitled “The Corrosive Effect of Money on Elections.” on Wednesday, Jan. 3, at noon at Leelanau County Government Center Lower Level Community Room.
The guest speaker will be Craig Mauger, executive director of Michigan Campaign Finance Network (MCFN).
“Even in a state that’s been ranked last for its transparency laws, you can learn a lot about what’s behind an ad and where it came from if you’re looking or listening for the right details,” said Mauger. The MCFN is a nonpartisan nonprofit that seeks to shine the brightest light possible on the role of money in Michigan politics. “In politics, money talks,” warns Mauger. “It’s time more people start listening.”
The forum in open to the public. Many bring a sack lunch. A LWVLC business meeting will follow the forum. The agenda for the meeting will be sent to members.
For more information on the LWVLC, call 231-271-5600, visit LWVLeelanau.org or follow LWVLC on Facebook at League of Women Voters Leelanau County.