League of Women Voters examines Michigan road tax ballot proposal

From staff reports

The League of Women Voters Leelanau County will host “Understanding the May 5 State Ballot Proposal, What Is It? What Would It Do?” on Wednesday, April 1, at noon in the lower level public meeting room of the Leelanau County Government Center. Information will be shared on the May 5 ballot proposal that would amend Michigan’s Constitution and on new laws that will take effect if the amendment is approved by voters. Kathy Ling will be the speaker. Ling is a member of the LWVMI Advocacy Committee and the Mt. Pleasant League. She is a retired high school government teacher, former Mayor of Mt. Pleasant and current member of Mt. Pleasant City Commission. The League will not be taking a position on this ballot proposal.

The public is invited. Many people bring a sack lunch. LWVLC business meeting to follow presentation. For more information: Call 231-271-5600, visit LWVLeelanau.org or follow LWVLC on Facebook at League of Women Voters Leelanau County.