League of Women Voters discusses health impacts of climate change

From staff reports

The League of Women Voters Leelanau County will host a forum entitled “Care for the Planet Because Your Health Depends On It: Health Impacts of Climate Change and What We Can Do About Them” on Wednesday, June 6, at noon at the Leelanau County Government Center Lower Level Community Room. The speakers will be from the Munson Healthcare Medical Center and include Elizabeth Del Buono, MD, Surgical Pathologist, Mark Cannon, MD PhD, Infectious Disease Physician and Suzanne Albrecht, MD, Department of Psychiatry. These professionals will share information on the emerging issue of how changing climate impacts our physical well-being and mental health along with action-oriented suggestions addressing these developments.

This Forum is open to the public. Many bring a sack lunch. A LWVLC business meeting will follow the forum.  For more information on the LWVLC call 231-313-0359 or visit LWVLeelanau.org.