Yarn bombing at Glen Arbor Arts Center

From staff reports

The Glen Arbor Arts Center is hosting a yarn bomb Maker Day on Sunday, May 19, from 1-3 pm at the GAAC, 6031 S. Lake St., Glen Arbor. This is one of several Makers Days leading up to a September 15 yarn bombing/installation at the GAAC. 

Yarn bomb-making is a no-fail, friendly community event for people of any needle skill. It’s a form of temporary street art where yarn in any form (knit, crochet, latch hook, cross stitch, amigurumi or simple wrapping) adorns an object [e.g. tree trunk or limbs, poles, waste can] in the public environment. Maker Days are a time to knit + crochet “bombs” with other needle crafters. Please bring: your needles, craft yarn, old wool sweaters and scarves that no one wears, yarn sewing needles. Don’t knit or crochet? We’ll have old sweaters that can be turned into “bombs.” This yarn bombing is part of our upcoming exhibition “Fiber Without Borders,” September 13 – November 7.

We need donations of craft yarn, large size knitting needles, and old wool sweaters for this project are welcomed. Drop off your donations at the GAAC, and Wool and Honey in Cedar, Michigan. For more information call the GAAC, 231-334-6112.