“What will be in the fields tomorrow?”

From staff reports

The Glen Arbor Arts Center presents “What Will Be In The Fields Tomorrow?”, a readers’ theater-style production, Saturday, Sept. 29, from 7-9 p.m. at the GAAC, 6031 S. Lake St., Glen Arbor.

Fields” touches on a wide range of issues at the center of modern agriculture: food production, food quality, sustainable agriculture, and the lives of farmers today. The readers who will perform “Fields” are local residents, farmers, and other people with professional, avocational, and recreational links to local agriculture and rural life. Following the production, Dr. Robert Sirrine, Extension Food Systems specialist with Leelanau County Cooperative Extension, will moderate the post-program, audience talk-back.

Offered as part of the GAAC’s exhibition agriCULTURE: Barnyards and Farmscapes, “Fields” is open to the public at no charge. Reservations are required. Go to GlenArborArt.org, click on “Events” and scroll to the “Fields” listing. agriCULTUREis supported in part by the Michigan Humanities Council and the National Endowment for the Humanities. For more information call the GAAC 231-334-6112.