Winter arrived in a hurry after Thanksgiving, and Leelanau County is covered in fluffy snow. Here’s the downhill and cross-country skiing, sledding, hiking and tubing report, as of Wednesday, Dec. 4. Drive safe, stay warm, and enjoy!
The Friends of Sleeping Bear Dunes has hired Laura Ann Johnson as its first executive director. Johnson, a long-time board member and volunteer with the Friends, will be responsible for leading the organization into a new era of growth while continuing its mission of protecting resources and heightening visitor experiences in partnership with Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore. In addition, longtime Friends of Sleeping Bear volunteer Kerry Kelly was honored by TART Trails with the Jim Mudgett Trail Pioneer Award.
Author and environmentalist Jane Elder will discuss her newly published book, Wilderness, Water & Rust, at the Glen Lake Community Library in Empire on Thursday, May 30, at 7 pm. The book weaves together memories from her life in the upper Midwest with nearly 50 years of environmental policy work, presenting a unique insider’s perspective into the quest to protect the Great Lakes.
Join Friends of Sleeping Bear Dunes for their annual spring safety training on Saturday, May 18, from 1-3 pm at the Empire Town Hall. Those unable to attend in person can find a link here to join online. This event is a chance for volunteers to hear the latest park news and safety information from park staff.
Cherry Republic will host a Friends of Sleeping Bear Dunes fundraiser on Sunday, Dec. 10, from 1-4 pm at the Cherry Public House in Glen Arbor. The Beach Bards will entertain with a fun afternoon of original (or new takes) on old songs, stories, and poems highlighting the history of the Sleeping Bear Dunes area.
TART Trails and Friends of Sleeping Bear Dunes will host two summer open houses at the intersection of the Sleeping Bear Heritage Trail and Glen Haven Road —on Thursday, July 27, from 11 am-1 pm, and Thursday, August 10, from 11 am-1 pm. Community members, visitors, trail users and those interested in learning more about the trail and its Pathway to Good Harbor extension are invited to stop by to talk trails.
Amy Hubbell leads Yoga on the Beach sessions every Friday morning at 10 a.m. throughout the summer at the Sleeping Bear Point Coast Guard Station Maritime Museum near Glen Haven. To join, all you need is a beach towel, water, and some sunscreen to enjoy this gentle all-level class. This is a donation-based class that provides funds to projects within the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore. The suggested donation is $10 per class.
Capture your postcard perfect photos of the Sleeping Bear National Lakeshore and collect a prize at the photo celebration from the Friends of Sleeping Bear Dunes. Families, friends, and kids can participate in the Instagram photo adventure celebrating the natural beauty of the park and the fun of discovery it inspires. Sponsored by the Friends of Sleeping Bear Dunes, the photo special event is intended to lead you to explore new places and share your favorite moments on Instagram. Upload your snapshots from the park, #sleepingbearfriends by July 8, then, join at the Cherry Republic Glen Arbor Flagship store from 1-3 pm on July 9 to collect your prize.
The Friends of Sleeping Bear Dunes will present Picture-Perfect Sleeping Bear: The Rest of the Story at the Glen Lake Community Library in Empire on December 15 at 7 pm. Modeled after Paul Harvey’s famous radio program: And Now You Know the Rest of the Story, there is so much more to tell than what fit into the pages of our best-selling book. After a short introduction of the book, the following featured speakers will share funny and informative insight into our area history. We invite attendees to bring their own stories and photos to share. Photographs can be set out on tables or shared through a jump drive on a computer screen.
Sleeping Bear Surf & Kayak in Empire teamed up with FLOW (For Love of Water), Friends of Sleeping Bear Dunes, Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, Surfrider NoMi, and S’well for an April 22 Earth Day beach cleanup at North Bar Lake.