Solstice half marathon circumnavigates Big Glen Lake


By Jennifer Symons
Sun contributor

Endurance Evolution puts on some of the best races in northern Michigan. This year, the USATF-certified Glen Arbor Solstice Half Marathon and 5k takes place on June 17. The half marathon starts at 7 a.m. and the 5k starts 10 minutes later. As you may have guessed, this annual event takes place right around the summer solstice. The solstice marks the onset of summer, one of the jolliest times of the year in Northern Michigan. Running a race in Glen Arbor is the perfect way to kick off the start of this long-awaited season.

This 5k is well-known for being ‘flat and fast.’ It draws in runners of all walks of life, as it is a run/walk event. Many runners get competitive and race it to their best ability. Many other participants take advantage of this event for a healthy, brisk walk within one of Leelanau County’s most beautiful towns. Runners and walkers feel deeply immersed in the woods as they travel down roads lined with trees as old as the town.

The half marathon, however, is not known for being ‘flat and fast.’ The course of the half marathon takes runners clockwise around Big Glen Lake. It starts and ends just south of Glen Arbor. This route includes two major hills that are rather challenging.

There is a monster hill at mile eight aptly named “Inspiration Point.” This winding, seemingly never-ending hill makes your quads burn. It is approximately 0.8 miles long. However, the view at the top will take away any breath you have left. In fact, many people say this is one of the best views in Leelanau County. Conveniently, there is an aid station at the top of the hill. I advise you take a moment to replenish with some water and gaze out over Big Glen Lake.

Inspiration Point is not the only hill you will encounter on this course, but every other one will pale in comparison. There is a smaller hill that starts at mile 3 and lasts about half a mile. Interestingly enough, there are only about 1.5 miles of hills on this course. Somehow, it feels like there are many more miles of climbing. This is a challenging half marathon, but its beauty will distract you from the difficulties.

After conquering Inspiration Point, there is a long downhill descend. Some people love running downhill, some find it just as challenging and painful as running uphill. This gradual downhill takes you just past mile 10. After that, you start the adventure of the homestretch.

Towards the end of the race, you start to come full-circle around Big Glen Lake to the iconic “Narrows” between Big and Little Glen Lake. There’s no feeling more surreal than running between these two lakes and looking to your left to see the enormous Sleeping Bear Dune Climb. It’s impossible not to get an additional adrenaline rush while soaking in that view. While speaking to a local veteran of the race, he remarked, “This is the best part of the course. Absolutely stunning.”

After crossing the narrows, you are in the last two miles of the race. This portion is on M22 and is flat and shaded; perfect for a strong finish. There are aid stations approximately every two miles on the course, so this will be your last opportunity to grab some nourishment before finishing. All of the aid stations provide water and Gatorade, while many of them also have sport’s gel and porta-potties.

Three very well-known Glen Arbor businesses sponsor this race. Cherry Republic, Anderson’s Market, and Art’s Tavern provide support each year. Cherry Republic even hosts packet pickup and registration the night before and the morning of the event. My favorite way to celebrate the finish of a challenging race is with a burger and beer. Art’s provides the best of both. Their beer list extensive and always up to date. The burgers served at Art’s are juicy, thick, and satisfying.

There’s still time to sign up for both of these races. One really cool thing about the 5k is that the more people you sign up, the cheaper each registration fee becomes. So sign your whole family up to get the best deal possible. If you’re the type of person who likes to know about the course prior to running it, check out Endurance Evolution’s blogpost about the race. Here, Joel Gaff, founder of Endurance Evolution, gives a detailed mile-by-mile description of the course.

If you want to participate in the event but aren’t keen on running it this year, volunteers are still needed. There are multiple aid stations that need volunteers, as well as a need for parking attendant volunteers, course marshalls, and administrative help. Endurance Evolution is also seeking volunteers for the finish area, which includes the task of handing out medals. The energy of the finish line is incredibly inspiring, so sign up to volunteer today!

The Glen Arbor Solstice Half Marathon & 5k is a must-do race. There is only one question remaining. Which view is better: the one from the top of Inspiration Point or the one while running through The Narrows? We’d love to know your opinion.