Celebration of Life Blood Drive, July 24 in Empire
From staff reports
On June 3, the family of Mark and Tina Dunphey welcomed their third child Philip. After a scheduled C-section, Tina began to hemorrhage resulting in the receiving seven units of blood as well as plasma in order to save her life. After several days in the ICU and pediatric floor, Tina and Philip have made a beautiful recovery. As a family, they want to thank everyone at Munson for all that they have done and to their community for their prayers and blood donation.
They have decided to host a blood drive at their parish in order to help save the lives of others. This will be July 24 from 3-7 p.m. at St. Philip Neri Catholic Church, at 11411 LaCore. St in Empire.
If you have any questions, feel free to email the Dunphey family at mtdunphey@gmail.com.