11 Oaks holds music fundraiser at Boonedocks
This Sunday, Sept. 11, the water access nonprofit 11 Oaks will hold its sixth annual Music Fest and Fundraiser, at Boonedocks in Glen Arbor. Featured bands beginning at 2 p.m. include Song of the Lakes, New Third Coast, Andre Villoch and Doug Zernow/Zack Light. According to 11 Oaks’ Chris Skellenger, technologies in extreme urban gardening and gravity fed drip irrigation will be on display for all to see.
According to Skellenger, 11 Oaks’ ongoing work in Lesotho, Kenya, Haiti and Cameroon is progressing nicely. “This year, we’ll be partnering with the Guatemala nonprofit Safe Passage to teach rooftop and super lightweight gardening
techniques in the shantytowns surrounding the Guatemala City garbage
dump. It will require quite a commitment in manpower and equipment. We will also be establishing seed starting operations and more.”
There’s still time to enter suggestions for a new name for 11
Oaks — one that better reflects its global mission. Says Skellenger, it needs to Google well. Send in your name to www.11oaks.org soon. The winner will receive airfare to Guatemala to accompany The Great Lakes Friends of Safe Passage in February.
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