Up North Pride, ACLU present “Know Your Rights”

From staff reports

Up North Pride, ACLU of Michigan and local legal experts will host a legal question and answer session, Know Your RIghts: An LGBTQ+ Legal Q&A at the Traverse Area District Library at 6 pm on Wednesday, Jan. 22.

The evening will include discussion on a variety of issues, especially with the incoming administration and possible changes that may impact the 2SLGBTQ+ community, led by Jay Kaplan, staff attorney for the ACLU of Michigan’s LGBTQ+ Project.

“Based on the policy positions of the Trump campaign, we can anticipate that these will be challenging times for LGBTQ+ rights. It’s important to know about the issues, the current laws, and how all of us can play a role in ensuring that LGBTQ+ people are afforded full equality and fairness,” said Kaplan.

“There is a lot of uncertainty right now, especially for 2SLGBTQ+ people,” said Adrienne Brown-Reasner, Up North Pride executive director. “This evening will allow people to get information, clarifications, or ask questions they may not have the opportunity to otherwise ask, as well as find resources and assistance they may not know is available.”

Know Your RIghts: An LGBTQ+ Legal Q&A will be held in the Traverse Area District Library McGuire Community room. For those not able to attend the discussion in person, the TADL will offer a virtual option through zoom.

For more information about this and other upcoming events and programs, and Up North Pride, please visit UpNorthPride.com.

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