
The votes are in, and Leelanau County citizens supported Democrat Joe Biden for President over Donald Trump, by a count of 8,793-7,915. (Michigan’s statewide results are incomplete, as mail-in ballots continue to be counted. Results may not be unveiled until Thursday or Friday, Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson has stated.)

Today we’re featuring the candidates vying to represent Leelanau County Commission District 2 (northern Elmwood Township and Bingham Township), which is currently held by Republican incumbent Deb Rushton. Democrat John Hunter is challenging Rushton, who has held a Commission seat for eight years.

This particular election season falls during dangerous times. The United States, our democracy, our code of honor, our ability to keep our fellow citizens out of harm’s way, our time-honored identity as a nation of immigrants, all seem more fragile than ever before. At the polls on November 3, or beforehand if you are voting by mail, we must team up and elect Joe Biden as our next president.

“I was impressed with how personable the Governor was,” said Cherry Republic president Bob Sutherland after Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer spent Thursday afternoon, August 8, on Lake Street—first at Cherry Republic, then at the Glen Arbor Arts Center (GAAC), then on Lake Street Studio Stage where she spoke to the public about Great Lakes issues.