Peninsula Housing offers first affordable home for sale in Suttons Bay

From staff reports

Peninsula Housing has announced the availability for purchase of their first home. Located at 1002 S. Herman Road in Suttons Bay, this three-bedroom home was acquired by Peninsula Housing last fall. After extensive renovations, it is now ready to be sold at an affordable price to a qualifying buyer. Priced at $220,000 it should be affordable to a family with an income from $79,000 to $98,000. Interested parties should contact Peninsula Housing by email: to begin the process of being qualified to purchase this home.

“We are excited to be able to offer this home at a price that working families can afford,” said Peninsula Housing president Larry Mawby. “We could not do this without the help of individuals and foundations who have contributed time and dollars to fill the financial gap between what the home cost to purchase and rehab and what families can afford to pay.”

Peninsula Housing is a community land trust working in Leelanau County, a non-profit organization that will continue to own the land and lease it to the homeowner, with resale restrictions that will keep the home affordable for future generations of owners. For more information on the work of Peninsula Housing, please contact them by email at