New in town: mini golf, men’s clothing, and ice cream
From staff reports
The scenic putt-putt golf course and play area on Oak Street in Glen Arbor is open once again. Gone is The River at Crystal Bend, and taking its place after a quiet 2013 is Dale’s Glen Arbor. The venue is named after the late Dale Sutherland, a principle at Glen Lake School, pillar of the community, husband of Mary, and father of Bob (Cherry Republic), Matt (Foreword Reviews magazine, The Box in Traverse City), Tim (local tennis guru), Mike (now The River Traverse City) and Paul (Financial & Investment Management Group). Dale’s, which is now owned by Paul, will specialize in putt-putt golf, Crystal River tube rentals and Moomers ice cream.
Paul’s son Keeston, 19 and a student at Western Michigan University, will manage Dale’s Glen Arbor, which will stay open until Labor Day. Keeston, who grew up in Suttons Bay, says he’s psyched to get to know Glen Arbor, and hang with his grandma and uncles when he’s not manning the shop.
In the Village Sampler Plaza, Megan Crandall’s store Hatlem Churchill has opened in the space long occupied by the Black Swan (and vacant for two years). The name comes from Crandall’s two grandmothers’ maiden names, “Hatlem” and “Churchill”; both families came to the south shore of the Glen Lakes in the 1930s. And so, Megan spent summers on the lake, before matriculating at Harvard, serving on the Traverse City Area Public School board and helping Brad Anderson expand his wine shop inside nearby Anderson’s Market.
“I saw the need for better casual clothing, particularly men’s wear,” said Crandall, who admitted she wanted an excuse to be here in the summers again. “There are so many weddings, and wonderful restaurants that require you to be a little dressier. I also wanted it to appeal to people who are just in town for a few days.”
Now that the retail store is open, Crandall plans to launch a manufacturing line of designer clothing and bags this fall, with production to happen partly in Elk Rapids and partly in Chicago. The Hatlem Churchill store in Glen Arbor will remain open daily until September, on long weekends through the fall and, hopefully, between Christmas and New Years, too. Recognizable brands include Southern Tide, Vineyard Vines and Sperry Top-siders.
In Empire, Tiffany’s ice cream shop next to Deering’s Market reopened on lucky Friday, June 13 (there was a full moon!) under the ownership of the Schous family, who also bought the Empire Lakeshore Inn one year ago. Peter and Peggy, their son Peter, Jr., and daughter-in-law Megan (and two kids, 2 years and 8 months) are the team in charge, hustling back and forth between the Inn and the café during busy summer days.
“When Tiffany’s came up for sale, we thought it would be a fun project to restore,” said Megan. “It’s fun, it’s ice cream! We’ve always loved this place and have been coming up here for seven years. We wanted to say goodbye to the corporate world.” Husband Peter, Jr., is rounding out his last summer working in Chicago before he relocates, full time, to Empire.
Tiffany’s will offer the same delicious Ashby’s premium ice cream that for years has lured customers, fresh off the Empire beach. This summer, Megan recommends the Eskimo Kiss flavor—like a Mounds bar but ice cream.