Leelanau County inspector issues Sugar Loaf violation report

From staff reports

Nearly a month after his much anticipated visit and inspection of Sugar Loaf resort on Feb. 5, Leelanau County inspector Steve Haugen has published the official violation report in the form of a letter he mailed both to former owner Kate Wickstrom and to current owner Remo Polseli (through his company, Rock Investment Advisors, LLC).

Beth Milligan of the Traverse City Ticker already wrote this excellent synopsis on March 3:

“The report requires the owner(s) to submit a plan within 10 days of today to bring the property into code compliance, including: the collapsed front of the Sugar Barn; the roofs of all buildings (especially the main lodge) to prevent further decay from leaks; the collapsed deck and structural stability of the warming shack on top of the hill; the structural abnormalities in and about the main lodge and connected buildings; the exterior landscaping, grass and trees that create a fire hazard for the entire property around structures; all upper building and decks; chair lifts; and the exterior pool and pool structure. The owner’s plan must include a timeline of repairs or demolition, as well as all required permits to be obtained for any renovation, alteration, repair, addition, installation or demolition of any system or structure on the entire premises.”

Read inspector Steve Haugen’s letter here:SugarLoafViolationLetter-030314