Glen Arbor Arts Center hosts Exposures exhibition
From staff reports
The Glen Arbor Arts Center hosts the 31st edition of Exposures, an annual exhibition of creative work of nearly 100 Leelanau County students in grades k–12. The exhibition runs April 19-28. A reception to honor the exhibitors is Thursday, April 25, from 4–6 pm in the GAAC gallery.
Exposures is a cooperative venture that spotlights the creative talents of students from Leelanau County public and private schools, home-school students; and the elementary-age students in the GAAC’s After School Art program. The exhibition recognizes the creative talents of students who were selected by jury to be published in Exposures, the Leelanau County student journal. Each published student receives a free copy of the magazine and additional copies will be for sale at the GAAC for $5.
The exhibition is open to the public. The GAAC gallery is open Monday through Friday 9 am–3 pm and noon–4 pm on Sundays. For more information visit