Glen Arbor Arts Center hosts Bound to Journal: A Bookbinding Workshop
From staff reports
Writer and visual artist Jen Sperry Steinorth leads a day-long bookbinding workshop on Saturday, Feb. 23, from 9 am-4 pm at the Glen Arbor Arts Center, 6031 S. Lake St., Glen Arbor.
In this workshop, students will be guided through some basic bookbinding techniques. They will leave with their own hand-bound journal and technical knowledge that will set them off down the path of bookbinding. “Bound to Journal” is suitable for older teen to adult. No previous bookbinding experience necessary. Cost of the class is $90 for GAAC members, $105 for nonmembers. In addition, there is a $40 materials fee. For more details and to register go to, and click on CLASSES.
Jennifer Sperry Steinorth is a poet, educator, interdisciplinary artist, and builder/designer living in Traverse City. Her poetry has appeared in Alaska Quarterly, Beloit Poetry Journal, The Colorado Review, Four Way Review, The Journal, jubilat, Michigan Quarterly Review, Mid-American Review, Poetry Northwest, Sixth Finch, Quarterly West and won numerous grants and awards.