Empire Museum celebrates Heritage Day, Oct. 8
From staff reports
This year will feature a presentation by Elizabeth Mitchell, soprano and Ted Badgerow, tenor. Called the Dodworth Duo, they will bring songs to life with vocals and instruments from the 1835-1895 era. They will be strolling the grounds entertaining from 1-4 p.m. all Heritage Day afternoon. There will be demonstrations in the making of apple cider, ice cream, butter, apple butter, maple sugar candy, sauerkraut, and other demonstrations using turn of the century methods.
Other entertainment and activities will include black smithing, woodworking, recorded old phonograph and music box music and player piano demonstrations.
There will also be several old tractors, cars and bicycles spread throughout the museum grounds providing various demonstrations. Old style hit and miss engines will also be put to work pumping water and grinding corn.
According to chairperson Dave Taghon, our 44th Heritage Days Celebration marks the end of another great season of keeping our past alive. The local Empire Quilters have donated another beautiful quilt to be raffled off during the festivities to benefit the Empire Museum. Tickets will be available until the 3 p.m. raffle.
Operated by the Empire Area Heritage Group, the museum’s four building complex- Main Building; One-Room School; 1911 Hose House (Fire Station); and the Billy Beeman Barn is recognized by many as one of the most unique in northern Michigan.
Please bring the whole family and join in on the activities. We are always looking for new exhibitors for any old crafts , collections or displays. For more information, contact Dave at empiremuseum@yahoo.com or call 231-326-5519.