Eighth annual Dune Dash departs August 17
From staff reports
Traverse Area Recreation and Transportation (TART) Trails, Inc. is a proud partner of the eighth annual Dune Dash, a 4-mile run/walk along the Sleeping Bear Heritage Trail (SBHT) on Saturday, August 17, at 9 am at the Sleeping Bear Dune Climb. The course highlights the trail within the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore. Registration is open at www.DuneDash.com and ranges from $25-$35 per person based on age. Prices will increase on August 15.
The Dune Dash is organized by the creators of the Traverse City Zombie Run, with support from the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, Friends of Sleeping Bear Dunes and TART Trails. According to Matt Ross, the founder and coordinator of the event, “The top three reasons to register for the Dune Dash are that it’s for a great cause (ALL proceeds go the Trail), that it’s 4 miles (not your typical 5k) and you can’t beat the location!”
Participants registered by Saturday, August 10 will be guaranteed a t-shirt. All registered participants will receive professionally timed results, race bib, post-race refreshments, and entertainment. Medals will be awarded to the overall male and female finisher, and the top three finishers in each age group. Packet pick up will take place at The Filling Station Microbrewery on Friday, Aug. 16 from 5-7 pm. Participants may also pick up their packets at the Dune Climb on the morning of the race. Please visit Rftiming.com/dunedash, or RfEventServices.com and click the “Event Results 2019” tab, to look up race number (bib number) prior to packet pickup.
Proceeds from the event support the continued development of the Sleeping Bear Heritage Trail. The event has raised over $17,000 to date for trail support. For more information on the Dune Dash visit www.DuneDash.com.