Cleveland Township Board stops proposed Maple City Dollar General with zoning, building moratorium


Leelanau remains only county in Michigan without discount chain store

From staff reports

At a special meeting tonight, the Cleveland Township Board unanimously passed a moratorium on any applications for zoning or building in the Business 1 and Business 2 zoning districts until Aug. 4, with the option to extend for another six months. The Planning Commission meeting scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 5, has been cancelled.

That moratorium stops, for now, a proposed Dollar General development at the corner of Maple City Road and Cemetery Road in Cleveland Township — 0.6 miles north of downtown Maple City, where the same company, Midwest V, sought to build a dollar store in 2019. The land in question is owned by the Marilyn Flaska Trust, as was the land in Maple City where Habitat for Humanity affordable homes were built instead.

At the Board meeting tonight, Township supervisor Tim Stein said that feedback he had received indicated that local citizens spoke with a common voice in opposing a dollar store in their township. Leelanau remains the only county in Michigan without a discount chain store.

Stay tuned for more as this story develops.

Click here to read our full coverage of Dollar General’s past attempts to land a foothold in Leelanau County, and how its developments have impacted communities and commerce in nearby counties.