
Do you know how Sex got its name? Did you know Mawby wine has been to the North Pole? Do you want to know what the Leelanau County winemaker has planned for the next 50 years? Join Mawby for a sparkling evening of stories, both old and new, at the Bay Theatre in Suttons Bay on Thursday, Nov. 16, at 6 pm. Interlochen Public Radio news director Peter Payette will sit down to talk with with founder Larry Mawby and current owners Mike and Peter Laing.

The League of Women Voters Leelanau County will gather at The Homestead Resort on Wednesday, May 23, to hold their annual meeting and to hear from guest speaker Peter Payette, executive director of Interlochen Public Radio, who will take about preserving quality journalism and maintaining a free press.

On Thursday, October 16, Glen Arbor resident and business owner Chris Sack posted photos on his Facebook page that showed the basement of his home on M-109, west of Glen Arbor, flooding with water. But Sack’s frustration fell on deaf ears. Later that evening, at the Township Hall in Glen Arbor, State Representative Ray Franz (Republican) concluded a townhall forum by calling Climate Change “a hoax”.