
Maple City and Lake Ann residents brace for potential battle with hungry national chain. Dollar stores are expanding in rural, and often economically depressed, towns throughout the United States. “Small box” dollar stores specialize in selling cheap commodities and pre-packaged food that undercut locally-owned grocery stores.

By Stephanie Purifoy Sun contributor Laurenn Rudd began working at Cottonseed Apparel in Glen Arbor when she was 16, and the Lake Ann native never thought the job would introduce her to what would become her passion—business and fashion. Rudd, now 28, only knew that she enjoyed the work. Like much of the Cottonseed’s staff, […]

Local diver, filmmaker and author Ross Richardson has solved one local mystery — the location of the steamship Rescue, which owner Ralph Dorsey intentionally sank in Big Glen Lake 98 years ago. But the reason why Dorsey destroyed his boat is known only by the lake, and Dorsey’s ghost, leaving folklore to play a guessing game.