The topic of housing in Leelanau County––and the lack of affordable housing––is one that seems to come up often for those who live here. Among my peers––entrepreneurs and workers in their late-20s to early-30s––housing discussions are often filled with a bit of discouragement.
The Empire Village Council will hold a special meeting on July 17 to consider a moratorium on processing any zoning permit. Midwest V, which frequently leases its buildings to Dollar General, approached an Empire landowner with a purchase offer to acquire six acres in a mixed use, commercial-residential district of Empire.
The idea of opening a small market in Empire dawned on Mae Stier last spring after Deering’s Market closed. Shuttered was a lifeblood business in this close-knit town. For decades, community members had come to Deering’s to buy food and daily provisions, to cross paths and interact.