Leelanau School’s Lanphier Observatory sees heavenly bodiesHistorical Feature“What’s the most amazing thing you’ve ever seen with this telescope?” asks a visitor to the Leelanau School’s Lanphier Observatory. My stock answer is another question: “You mean in the sky, or on the beach?” Read more Share this:ShareFacebookTwitterEmailRedditPinterestLinkedInPrintTumblrJuly 30, 2012/by editor https://glenarborsun.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/NormObservatory1.jpg 797 530 editor https://glenarborsun.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Glen-Arbor-Sun-Glen-Arbor-Michigan.png editor2012-07-30 10:10:102012-07-30 10:10:10Leelanau School’s Lanphier Observatory sees heavenly bodies