Peace activisits cross the Mackinaw Bridge on Labor Day in a call of solidarity to bring home the troops (left, photo by Marilyn Bagdonas). Glen Arborites cross the Narrows Bridge on Labor Day — an annual tradition (right, photo by Joanne Rettke).
Will Hendricks (left) marvels at last year’s apple harvest. After washing the freshly picked apples, they are pressed in a hand-cranked machine. Finally, his mother Sharon Hendricks (right), filters the fresh apple juice through cheesecloth to remove pulp, readying fresh apple juice ready for the glass!
Photos by Ryan Romeike (l) and Joanne Rettke (r) Glen Arbor held its first Independence Day Boat Parade on July Fourth, sponsored by the Glen Lake Chamber of Commerce. Don’t miss Empire’s Anchor Day festival coming up on July 15 and Glen Arbor’s third annual Village Art Fair on July 19, and also check out […]
photo by Ryan Romeike Notable Quotable: “I often wonder if our forefathers who worked in the Empire Lumber Company mill along Lake Michigan ever took the time to pause, look about, and realize what a beautiful spot it was here in Empire.” — Dave Taghon, Empire wiseman
A bird’s eye view of the D.H. Day farm and Lake Michigan displays the full splendor of fall. Photo by Don Miller
… is just around the corner the corner. Do you have enough firewood to last until spring? Photo by Jacob Wheeler A Thanksgiving Feast! The fourth-annual Pig Roast at Art’s Bar on Saturday, November 6 proved what many of us never doubted in the first place — Glen Arbor-ites sure can throw down food! Tim […]
By James Coleman Sun contributor This piece was originally published in the Norwich Bulletin and submitted to the Glen Arbor Sun by Mr. Coleman, a close friend of Norman Wheeler, a local poet who runs the Beach Bards Bonfire, which meets every Friday at dusk from June 20 until Labor Day weekend on the Leelanau […]