Update: Chris Yahanda and William Wright’s film Troubled Water, about their 36-day, 425-mile standup paddleboard journey from Mackinac Island to Lansing, will premier on Friday, Feb. 15, at the City Opera House in Traverse City. Click here for tickets and information. From staff reports Childhood friends William Wright and Chris Yahanda wanted to do their […]
Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel will lead a conversation on clean water at Cherry Republic’s Glen Arbor campus on Wednesday, Aug. 17, from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. The event is sponsored by the Michigan League of Conservation Voters.
State Representative Curt VanderWall (Republican) who represents Michigan’s 101st district says the bills being rushed through the legislature during this month’s lame duck session are “unfortunately part of politics”.
Photo by Anne-Marie Oomen: Kayakers protest the Mackinac Straits pipeline on Labor Day weekend. Canadian company that owns Mackinac Straits oil pipeline responds to “shut down Line 5” campaign By Jacob Wheeler Sun editor The Canadian oil company that owns the Mackinac Straits pipelines — and was responsible for the 2010 Kalamazoo River spill — […]
Burdickville resident Jim Lively, a program director with the Traverse City-based Groundwork Center for Resilient Communities (formerly the Michigan Land Use Institute) is a key player in the Oil & Water Don’t Mix campaign, which calls on the state to shut down two aging oil pipelines under the Straits of Mackinac.
New report by University of Michigan Water Center offers statistical analysis of Straits of Mackinac Linen 5: Worst Case Spill Scenarios From staff reports More than 700 miles of shoreline in lakes Huron and Michigan are potentially vulnerable to oil spills if the pipeline beneath the Straits of Mackinac ruptures, according to a new University […]
Environmentalists, activists, citizens and a growing number of Michigan policymakers worry that if Pipeline 5 under the Mackinac Straits were to rupture and spill oil directly into the world’s largest freshwater resource, the damage could decimate aquatic ecosystems, local economies and the tourism industry. One in five Michigan jobs are tied, directly or indirectly, to safe and clean water.
Three years after the July 25, 2010 Kalamazoo River oil spill, this tragedy holds important warning signs for communities and municipal and state governments. Oil pipelines now crisscross the entire country, running through Midwestern states that are not oil producers but have become oil transit zones. Many of them already carry Canadian Tar Sands oil.
On Sunday, July 14, a group of state and national environmental organizations intend to bring the two lines out of the depths at a noon rally in St. Ignace, Michigan. The goal of “The Oil & Water Don’t Mix Rally”, say organizers, is twofold. The first is to define the potential risks of a leak or rupture to the Great Lakes, the largest body of clean surface freshwater in North America. The second, more ambitious, is to clarify the role that Enbridge and its customers are playing in expanding the transport and processing of a gusher of oil and natural gas under development on the American and Canadian Great Plains, and from the tar sands of Alberta, Canada.