Preserve Historic Sleeping Bear unveils “We Love Our Park” photo contest

From staff reports

Preserve Historic Sleeping Bear (PHSB), a partner of the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, is announcing its first “We Love Our Park!” photography contest. This year, the subject is historic and cultural resources in the Park. The deadline for digital submissions is July 16. Participants can enter up to two photos of historic buildings located in the park, for $20, or three photos for $25. PHSB invites people to get out and visit the historic buildings in the Park and experience first-hand the magnitude and value of this heritage.

PHSB’s Director Susan Pocklington encourages entrants to check out the “Take a Tour” page at, for the listing and location of the park’s historic properties. “We hope people will have fun exploring and capturing the feeling, architecture, and story of these remnants of history,” said Pocklington.

The top 15 photographs chosen by PHSB’s judge, professional photographer Tom Kachadurian of Traverse City — will be made available for public voting online from July 22-August 4. The public can vote for their favorite and have a chance to win a $40 cash prize for voting. The top two winners and an honorable mention will be awarded prizes on Friday, August 12, at PHSB’s annual picnic.

The top prize includes a one-year contract to sell the winning image at PHSB’s Olsen House sales area and a two-night stay at the Sylvan Inn. The contest is sponsored in part by The Sylvan Inn of Glen Arbor, and The Camera Shop and Backcountry Outfitters of Traverse City. For complete details and registration for the contest, visit: