Jerry Dennis, Glenn Wolff sign at Black Star Farms


From staff reports

Glen Arbor’s Cottage Book Shop will host author Jerry Dennis and illustrator Glenn Wolff (who will have engraving prints on hand) who will sign their book The Windward Shore: Great Lakes in the Winter from 11-2 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 19 at the Vintage Cottage Holiday Market at Black Star Farms in Suttons Bay.

John Mitchell will also sign his books Grand Traverse: The Civil War Era and Wood Boats of Leelanau from 1-3 p.m. and Lois Beardslee will demonstrate her quill/birch bark art and sign her book Women’s Warrior Society throughout the day. Forty other vendors will be on site in addition to food and wine sales.

This article was sponsored by Imagine That in Glen Arbor, where you will discover a carefully-curated blend of unique items.