Innisfree memories

By Stewart Mcferran
Sun contributor

Many school groups from Traverse City and Leelanau traveled to Innisfree on Pyramid Point for environmental education. The fifth or sixth grade students stayed for four nights at the camp within the Sleeping Bear National Lakeshore. The program operated all year round within sight of the Manitou Passage.  Students were led on beach hikes and woods hikes by a crack team of naturalists. In the winter snowshoe hikes and ski trips. Canoe trips on the Crystal River was a staple activity as were “get lost” hikes.

Gus Leinbach bought the camp in 1970 and started the Innisfree Project which was named after a William Butler Yeats poem by that name. Gus was an educator from Ann Arbor who set up the camp with the concept of self-direction for the campers and counselors. If you had an idea, a skill, and interest then you could form your idea, pitch it to a mentor or guide to help, propose it to the rest of the campers and get a group together to do what you wanted. There was a bike shed with tons of parts to work on building bicycles, an old car to learn how to fix engines, a frozen zoo of found animals that were preserved, and an old orchard with apples to pick. The kitchen always seemed to be open for campers to come in and help. It was a true community experience that offered endless possibilities to explore, create, invent, and express. Two camps “spun off” of Innisfree and are still operational in northern Michigan — Crystalaire and Lookout.  Lookout still carries on the tradition of self-directed camp life, where campers and counselors create their own inventive activities.  Crystalaire was based on Crystal Lake for many years and when the property was no longer available for lease, it became an adventure-based camp, with trips to many places in the Midwest and Canada.

During the summers at Innisfree, trips were offered and campers traveled on bikes along the roads of Leelanau and to faraway places such as New England and Isle Royale. I have recently been in touch with Carolyn my co leader of a small group of campers to Isle Royale. We both still agree that it was the best trip ever.

Once we had the van loaded and were on our way to meet the ferryboat at Copper Harbor we started to get a sense of the cast of characters within the group. Our first stop was on the Keweenaw Peninsula where I parked the van and made everyone hike up a giant hill to an old fire tower. I insisted that the view was worth it and everyone was stiff from the long trip across the UP and needed to stretch their legs.

We ate delicious thimbleberries along the trail, as I regaled the group with stories of the awesome view from the old fire tower. We got to the top and all we saw was a big block of cement with some metal pieces sticking out. The Forest Service had removed the tower. From this low point, on a high place, it was all downhill to Isle Royale.   

The ferryboat at Copper Harbor was surprisingly small. We all loaded our backpacks and we were off. The Lake was very rough that day and many in the group were sick. As the water became calm and we approached Isle Royale we got a blast of warm air. Emily said: “It smells like pine air freshener!”

We were warned about foxes that would steal food by the Rangers as we unloaded our gear. Willy a short boy from the Philippines and Steven a lanky Inuit were captivated by the idea of seeing a fox. They rigged up an apparatus for tricking the fox as we set up camp at Rock Harbor.

After being splashed by the water of Lake Superior it was surprisingly hot at the campground. Emily emerged from her tent and informed Carolyn and I that she had changed her mind about the trip. She demanded a helicopter. She wanted to go home. After some tears and anguish Emily was ready to listen. We explained there would be no helicopter and she was with us for the duration of the trip.

Somehow we had ended up with a large cache of frozen hot dogs. Everyone had eaten their fill so Steve and Willy decided that a hot dog would be perfect fox bait. While foxes stole food we informed Steve that he was not allowed to feed them due to park regulations. Not to be thwarted in his quest to see a fox Steve rigged up hot dog on a bungee cord on a string that he could pull just before the fox grabbed it. He was up all night swatting mosquitos outfoxing the fox.

The water of Lake Superior is known for being frigid, but late summer sun beats down for long days on inlets and coves of Isle Royale. The water there becomes delightfully swimmable. Large slabs of granite warmed by the sun made fine places for our group to rest after a plunge. The balance of our trip was spent hiking and swimming in Royal coves and inlets.

One afternoon when we made it to camp on the early side, we decided to build a sweat lodge out of our tent poles and fly tarps. We were near the end of our week on Isle Royale, so by this time all the campers were pretty good friends and didn’t mind trying something new. We built a fire and found some upland cobbles to heat up. We all got on our bathing suits and crawled into the makeshift lodge. The hot rocks were placed in the center and we all sat and sweated until we couldn’t stand it anymore. With lots of hollering, we all ran through the busy campsite and past the families quietly camping. As a group we all jumped off the dock into the deep Lake Superior water. It was then I knew that we had changed the campers’ lives.

After dropping off all off Steve, Willy, Emily and all the rest, Carolyn and I returned to camp where the late summer band camp was underway. The Big Reds were blasting fight songs out into the Manitou Passage and Big Pig was watching the band maneuvers from his sty near the football field.

The site where the camp was on Pyramid Point is amazingly beautiful. The high bluff above Lake Michigan was lined with trees to sit in and among and gaze at the sunset. And the beach below with the rustic waterfront was a wonderful place to play. But the real beauty of Innisfree was in the people.