Good Harbor Grill opens Saturday, May 16, for curbside takeout
From staff reports
Good Harbor Grill co-owner Cady Hall announced that the restaurant on M-109 in the heart of Glen Arbor will reopen for curbside takeout service on Saturday, May 16. Hall and Cos Burrows took over the reigns from Cos’s parents, Ann and Brendan, two years ago. Read here about the 2018 transition.
Glen Arbor Sun: Why the decision to re-open this weekend?
Good Harbor Grill: Normally this is the most exciting time of year for us in Glen Arbor. We are anxious to adapt to the current situation and work together towards a productive summer and fall season.
Glen Arbor Sun: What have been the biggest hurdles to overcome during the pandemic?
Good Harbor Grill: Keeping our employees and customers safe is our top priority. Developing a secure reopening plan, revising our menu and making the take-out service as easy as possible for both employees and customers.
Glen Arbor Sun: How is the family, and staff, doing during this crazy and difficult time?
Good Harbor Grill: The Good Harbor Grill family is doing very well. We miss each other as well as the community and we are excited to be back to work together!

This story is sponsored by The Riverside Inn in Leland