Empire Anchor Day Festival schedule of events

From staff reports

Friday, July 15, 7:30 p.m. at Empire Town Hall: Anchor Day Movies, Anchor Recovery, Empire’s Namesake Empire State and Empire in the Good Old Days. Sponsored By Empire Area Heritage Group

Saturday, July 16, 5 a.m. to noon at local inland lakes, Fishing Contest (children & adults). Sponsored By: Empire Outdoors, Soni Aylsworth. (If fishing before 9 a.m., preregistration required)

Anchor Day Fun Run, 9 a.m. at Empire Beach Park Pavilion. (registration at 8:45) Sponsored By Darby Trapp

Anchor Day Parade at 2 p.m. on Front Street. Line up at 1:30 p.m. at Johnson Park on Reynolds Street.

Lions Club BBQ Chicken Dinner, 2-8 p.m. at the Town Hall. Sponsored by Empire Lions.

Street Dance with live music by “Streaker” beside Town Hall, 7-11 p.m. Donations will be accepted to pay the band.